House Games at Guardian Angel School

After initially just throwing the ball through the hoop while playing B-A-L-L, the students started getting creative by jumping through the hoop while holding the ball and cartwheeling and then through the hoop, as Kambrie Seabaugh is shown doing. Rylie Priggel ran after the ball to return it and Mrs. Kluesner and Cooper Bryant held the hoop.

House games are back again at Guardian Angel School for the archangel houses. The October games were held outside on a very hot and humid afternoon. On October 8, the groups of St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael competed against each other to see which group would gain the most points.

First Gabriel and Michael competed in playing B-A-L-L, a variation of H-O-R-S-E. Gabriel won their set, played against Raphael, and won again for first place. Raphael and Michael competed for the 2nd and 3rd place with Michael being in 2nd and Raphael in 3rd places. The next game was "Don't Drop the Ball". Students had to do a relay by walking with a ball between their knees, starting over if it was dropped. Gabriel won this game, too. The 3rd game was "Don't Drop the Egg". The students carried an egg on a spoon in relay style.

The last one was not a game but a competition of decorating classroom doors. St. Michael was in charge of Mrs. Mangels 1st & 2nd grade door and Mrs. Seabaugh's Pre-K door. 1st & 2nd grade door was decorated to represent St. Michael and Pre-k as St. Therese the Little Flower of Jesus. St. Raphael decorated Mrs. McVay's 7th & 8th grade door to represent St. Raphael and Ms. Ann's 5th & 6th grade door as St. Hubert, the patron Saint of Mathematicians and hunters. St. Gabriel members adorned Mrs. Hulshof's 3rd grade room with St. Gabriel and Mrs. Seyer's Kindergarten room with St. Nicholas. The rooms were judged by Fr. Joseph Kelly, our pastor, and points were awarded to the decorators of the 3 doors that were the most artistic. The winners were: 1st place-St. Gabriel (3rd grade room), 2nd place-St. Michael (1st & 2nd grade room), & 3rd place-St. Nicholas (kindergarten room) decorated by St. Gabriel's group.

As of November 12, the angel point totals were St. Raphael with 190 points, St. Michael with 225 points, and St. Gabriel with 205 points. They have until the end of the school year to earn points and be awarded as the winner of the year.

Ryder Siebert and Kaydren Williams demonstrate their ability to jump across the yard with a ball between their knees.
Harper Gadberry carefully crosses the playground with a raw egg on a spoon.
St. Michael's door was the 2nd place winner of the Guardian Angel door decorating contest. The St. Nicholas door decorated by St. Gabriel's group won 3rd place in the door decorating competition.
St. Gabriel was the 1st place winner in the Guardian Angel door decorating contest.
