Letter to the Editor

Cartoon is racist

Editor's note: Because of a political cartoon in the Sunday, Aug. 16, newspaper, the Southeast Missourian has been the recipient of a wave of social media messages, emails and threats. Today, two guest letters criticize the cartoon. To read a statement from newspaper management, click here.

I have been reading your paper for decades now, and I realize that your editorial stance leans heavily to the right. I usually allow my eyes to glaze over when I see most of the columns and cartoons that are published on your Opinion pages. That being said, I must strongly object to the Ramirez cartoon on page 9A of Saturday's weekend edition. To use the image of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in such a way is disrespectful and divisive. The mayor of Chicago has just this morning on Face The Nation said that the looting and destruction of the high end stores in her city were done by a coordinated group of criminals, not peaceful protesters. This cartoon isn't even overtly racist, it is blatantly racist. We as a society are better than this and you should be too!

TOM PRESTON, Cape Girardeau