Puxico Goat BarBQ

I read the story by Sarah Harp about the goat BBQ at Puxico Homecomers. I would like to tell the story of how it started at least 60 years ago because I’m 68. My grandma, as we called her Mawmaw, was from Puxico. When I was little I can’t remember a family get together that wasn’t held at my Grandma McClure’s house in Puxico. We had all our dinners there and Homecomers week was the best! My dad and my Uncle Dean McClure were best buds and they would always butcher a goat and we’d have BBQ for the meat. I don’t remember the year but I was a little girl, Dean became Commander of Puxico’s VFW. He and my dad were talking and Dean said “we have a booth at the homecoming, we need an idea how to make some money for the post” my dad said “well, Dean, we always have goat BarBQ at our family get together and everyone loves it, try selling goat BarBQ “ Dean did and “Voila” a tradition made famous. So people around the area who have eaten the famous goat BarBQ of Puxico fame (don’t know when it was renamed burger because it isn’t) can thank my dad and Dean McClure, who was also a teacher at Puxico for years. This story was passed to me by my family.
