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If you've ever flown out of Lambert Airport in St. Louis, you have probably been caught in a traffic snarl. Problems both with I-70 congestion and backups at the parking lots have delayed many motorists.

Luckily, these traffic tie-ups on the ground have the attention of Lambert Airport officials. In an attempt to ease traffic flows, they have opened a new exit from the main terminal hourly parking garage. About 5,000 people use the garage each day.

Motorists leaving the garage will be directed to a tunnel that goes beneath Lambert International Drive and exits in the intermediate lot. This new exit should also relieve some of the congestion to I-70. That's because the existing exit gate requires motorists to cross several lanes of traffic to turn on the interstate.

The airport has opened seven new ticket booths at the intermediate lot, including two automated payment booths that accept only credit cards. Similar machines are in use at the airport's long-term lots and the East Terminal hourly parking garage.

It's good to see these changes in place before the busy holiday travel season. It should ease the traffic flow and frustration for those dropping off and picking up passengers at Lambert Airport.