Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

We received the following letter in our office and wanted to share parts of it with you:A couple of weeks ago, my family chose the Cape Girardeau area for a family reunion. We did this quite by accident as it was halfway traveling distance for family members.

As a number of children were present, we chose your county park north of the city for an evening picnic. We ate a picnic supper in the north part of the park, then discovered the south park with its childscape and riding toys.

I have never been so pleased. The grounds were immaculate, the picnic area clean and free of trash, the play equipment was clean, sturdy and well maintained, the water effects after dark were excellent, and, if I havent said it already, your park was one of the hits of the trip.

We also visited The Trail of Tears State Park and Cape Girardeaus Riverfront Park and were impressed by their cleanliness and rugged beauty. Signed, a very pleased traveler, Richard D. Plummer, Topeka, Kan.

MARY MILLERCape Girardeau Convention and Visitors Bureau