Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

So now it is claimed that Bekki Cook restored credibility to the office of Missouri Secretary of State. What a laugh. She truly botched the opportunity to return the office to the stature it had lost due to the shenanigans of former Secretary of State Judi Moriarty.

In her first opportunity to perform the duties of her office in a non-partisan manner, she completely blew it. While presiding over the opening session of the Missouri House of Representatives, for the election of the speaker for the new session, she kept the balloting open for an unconscionable length of time so that deals could be made or arms twisted in one way or another, in order to secure the re-election of the thoroughly discredited Bob Griffin. This restored credibility.

Upon the death of Congressman Bill Emerson, she had the opinion, seemingly almost instantly, that the Republican primary ballot could not be re-opened. This left one of the two unknown Republican candidates as possibly the only opposition to Cook's friend, Emily Firebaugh, in the November general election. Credibility? I don't think so. Luckily, Jo Ann Emerson decided to enter as an independent. Had Bekki Cook performed the duties of her office in something resembling a non-partisan manner, I would have been delighted to vote for her as a resident of Cape Girardeau County for a statewide office, Democrat or Republican. To have a Cape resident elected to a statewide office would have been a signal honor for our area.

Bekki Cook, by her refusal to perform the duties of her office in a proper manner, has forfeited my vote. JERRY MITCHELL
