Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

This letter does not include all of our representatives in Congress, but a substantial majority. The only purpose of government under our system is to protect the citizens' rights which are enumerated in the Constitution. Our Congress is elected for the purpose of carrying out this function. Upon taking office, members of Congress swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. What strange quirk of the human mind prevents voters from holding them to their oath.

Our Congress is supposed to heed the citizens wishes, but polls consistently show that representatives ignore the peoples desire to cut off foreign aid, limit immigration and withdraw from the United Nations before our once-great country is reduced to serfdom. Those polls show about 80 percent of the people are in favor of these actions, but Congress only turns a deaf ear.

It makes one wonder who is pulling the strings. It certainly isn't the voters and taxpayers.

It's evident that Congress hates the Constitution because it limits absolute power over the people. But do the representatives also hate the people who support the Constitution? It would seem so when one considers the facts that constitutionalists are call every venomous name that a vile mind can concoct just because they expect their government to be operated legally.


Cape Girardeau