Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I would like to respond to Sunday's article on salaries at Southeast Missouri State University. As a custodian at SEMO, our salaries are not $20,411 and never have been that high. Instead, our salaries are much lower. I have been employed at SEMO nine years, and my salary is $17,368. In 1987, custodians' salaries were $15,452. As you can see, that's not a $2,000 increase in pay in 11 years.

Just want set the record straight. Thank you.

DAVID LEWISCape Girardeau

EDITOR'S NOTE: The $20,411 figures in the graphic that accompanied Sunday's story on university salaries was an average for 61 service employees, which include custodians. Obviously, some actual salaries will be higher than the average, and others will be lower.