Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I am so glad the God I serve is a true and just God. He is keeping an account of each and everyone of us on his Internet.

I wonder what would happen is he released what he has on his Internet about all of us so everyone could read it and put it in the newspaper, on television, on radio talk shows, on comedy shows, in church offices, in restaurants, in bars and in nightclubs. Not anyone would get to read, see or hear anything else, because there would be a worldwide blackout.

God does not work like that. Only man does. The devil has a small mind, and he knows man will listen to him. Our heavenly father has a broad mind. That is why he is a just God.

It appears some of our so-called spiritual leaders and some of our elected officials are saying to the families in America, "Don't do as I do. Do as I say." Some of our elected officials agreed to release President Clinton's grand jury testimony on the Internet. What are elected officials going to say to the movie industry, producers of TV shows, video producers and the makers of pornography? Do as we did? Do as the laws we decided upon for these particular situations.

Read the following Scriptures daily, because they help us develop morals: Matthew 22:37-39 (the greatest commandment). Matthew 7:1-5 (judging). Matthew 18:10-14 (lost sheep). Matthew 12:34-37 (scribes and Pharisees). John 8:1-11 (Anyone without sin cast the first stone).Releasing the videotape of President Clinton was a black eye for our country. I hope those who made the decision remember that they used the media to help put a worldwide black eye on our country. If all of us had the morals we are supposed to have, we would remember the following:It behooves all of us to take a good look at ourselves before we begin flapping our gums. God knows all and sees all, and he doesn't need any of Bill Gates' software. He has his own Internet software, and believe me, you are on it.


Tamms, Ill.