Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I just want to add a resounding Amen to the letter to the editor in Sunday's paper regarding what the Drurys have given to the city. I do not know Connie Eichhorn personally, but I've known the Drurys all my life, went to school with some of them and worked at Drury Co. for 6 1/2 years in the 1970s. This family has done more for Cape Girardeau and the surrounding area than any other I'm aware of, other than Gene Rhodes, by providing innumerable jobs, enormous tax revenue, multiple services and much, much more. And neither the Drurys nor Gene Rhodes grew up in Cape Girardeau. But just think of what Cape Girardeau would be without their business and their services.

Yet is seems like the City Council is constantly trying to make progress so difficult for them. What they have accomplished, they have earned by the sweat of their brow and by investing long hours of work. Nothing was given to them. They earned it all.

I just wish the City Council could appreciate them for what they've done and co-operate with them on their projects. Without the Drurys, the west side of Cape Girardeau would still be just a large field.

