Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

The father of two of our students at Central High School has been undergoing a medical ordeal in recent months. He has spent a lot of time in the hospital here and in St. Louis. His family has worried about him and missed him. Even with insurance, it has been an expensive process.

The people who care can do little except pray, but there has been a heartwarming effort going on at the high school. Spearheaded by some teachers and students, efforts are being made to raise funds to help the family. The students at Jefferson School where his wife teaches are also raising money to help. Watch for their garage sale later this month. The response by high school students has been the brightest part of my week. Several events are planned to raise money. Last week we had a fund raiser where students donated a dollar for the privilege of wearing a hat, which is normally against the rules. Students were giving $5 and $10 and not wanting change back. A student in my study hall quietly gave me $6, which she said she wanted to donate even though she didnt want to wear a hat.

The media have been full of stories about our violent and troubled youths. I want the people of our town to know that most of our kids are great people who are willing to give of their money and time to help others.


Cape Girardeau