Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I've been following the news from Washington lately about the budget battle between Democrats and Republicans. One item that's been regrettably missing from the coverage is the wide agreement in Washington about the need to increase funding for the National Institutes of Health.

This important government agency funds most of the medical research performed in this country. This year, key leaders in Congress have proposed a $1.5 billion to $2 billion increase in the NIH budget. This is truly good news for all Americans.

But the budget increase could be especially good news for the 16 million Americans who suffer from diabetes. That's because the additional funding means NIH would have more than enough money to implement the research plan of the Diabetes Research Working Group.

This plan was requested by Congress and developed by a panel of the world's leading diabetes experts. The DRWG found that significant progress could be made, maybe even a cure could be found, if significant resources were dedicated to diabetes research.

But now that Congress is set to provide additional funding, it's up to NIH and the Clinton administration to see that the DRWG plan is implemented, not ignored. By doing so, they can help the millions of Americans who suffer from this deadly disease.