Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

It is always interesting to see how people use Jesus for their own point of view. Michael Shea was right in saying that Christians should act more like Christ, because that is what the word "Christian" means: to be Christlike. Was Peter Kinder out of line for standing up for what he thinks is right? Jesus himself was obviously not afraid to stand up for what he thought was right as he ran the money changers out of his father's temple (Matthew 26:12-17). One can only wonder if the chief priests and teachers of the law accused Jesus of "screaming like a fishwife" because He chased them out.

Basically, abortion is brought down to one simple question: Do you believe the unborn fetus or child is a human life? If you have looked at Psalm 139:13-15, Matthew 18 and Jeremiah 1, you might tend to believe as Kinder does that this is an innocent, precious life that should be protected from all possible harm. If a person is truly interested in this subject, he should read the New Testament. Not only is the question of abortion addressed, but answers can be found for anything we confront in this life. What should a Christian do? What would Christ do? Obviously, Kinder believes Christ would be against abortion, and he has no choice but to stand up for what he believes is right. In Shea's last sentence, he said that he doubted that Jesus would have much use for public servants who rant and rave about "bloody business." Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus loves each and everyone of us no matter what our position.

We are truly fortunate that our Savior has use for all of us in spite of our shortcomings or no matter how we may fail him.

In closing, how can Christian abortion-rights advocates be so sure that their position is biblically correct? What if you are wrong? Is human life worth gambling over? Kinder obviously does not think so, and neither do I.BRUCE FEE

Cape Girardeau