Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Since this is Mother's Day, I am submitting a poem I have written voicing concerns of mothers everywhere:Our Treasure Who will help the children? Who will go the extra mile.

Who will make the extra effort for just a little while.

Who will help the children to learn and laugh and play.

Who will be their model each and every day.

Who will have the wisdom to value each and every one.

Who will have the vision to find a way so this is done.

Who will help the childdren to be the best that they can be.

The answer seems so simple: It is simply you and me.

Our children are our treasure, more precious than spun gold.

If we don't help the children, what does our future hold.

So we must help the children. We must go the extra mile.

For each bright and happy face is, in truth, God's smile.

