Letter to the Editor


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Open Letter to Rep. Richard Gephardt:

IP1,0I am appalled by your recent statement on national television. You inferred that you and other members of Congress would cease to fund a war in the Persian Gulf if the President ordered troops to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

I think I can speak for a large segment of the voting public when I say that you are perfectly welcome to make your views on war known and to work as hard as you can to get our troops out of the area, or even to keep an attack from being ordered.

However, if actual fighting starts and you and others like you try to keep one dollar from being spent in order for them to accomplish their mission, I fervently hope the voters of this nation will leave you all trying to find work somewhere outside this country.

Saddam Hussein will have to be dealt with sooner or later. He has proven himself time and again as a mental misfit and liar. Appeasing him will only further the problem as it did with Hitler. When he is dealt with, he must be crushed. The longer we wait, the worse he will be.

Please make no more statements like this last one, and do not play with the lives of our soldiers. We of the usually "silent majority" will not allow our military sons and daughters to be left "hung out to dry" by any opportunistic politicians again. We voters have seen enough proof recently of the ridiculous shenanigans of our elected officials in Washington. Please don't think that you need to impress us with further disgraces.

Ray Dooley
