Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Dear Editor:

Today, one of the Show Me Center's original employees, Jim Doyle, leaves our employment for a new marketing position with Stardate Productions in Milwaukee, Wis. Due to the university vacation schedule; excitement of the Christmas holidays; and the recent level of activity at the Show Me Center, time to properly arrange a farewell from the university and all the business associates Jim has had contact with in his three and a half years in Cape Girardeau was not available.

Through this public forum, I want to express my sincere appreciation for a job well done. For all of the many community members and patrons who have privately acknowledged Jim's contributions to the Show Me Center, university and the city, I want to relay to the public at large.

As one of the original Show Me Center employees, Jim provided very important leadership, experience and knowledge in establishing the successful track record of the facility. He was instrumental in setting a very high professional standard for the Show Me Center.

We know Jim will continue to carry Cape Girardeau's banner to whatever parts of the country his professional journey takes him. His loyalty, dedication, enthusiasm and friendship will be missed by all of us. We wish him and his family the very best of success.

David B. Ross


Show Me Center