Letter to the Editor


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To Pat Zellmer

Targeted Publications:

My heartfelt thanks goes to you and your staff for the excellent special edition in the June 23rd Southeast Missourian. The time and effort you spent compiling this publication is evident.

Each of the stories was~ so moving I had goosebumps reading them. It is exciting to know the American Cancer Society has played a big part in the lives of so many. Early detection and prevention can save lives and this message which is the focus of our public education program was apparent in all the stories. I also want to thank these courageous individuals for sharing their stories and bringing a message of hope to others.

Of course, the work of the American Cancer Society cannot continue without the tireless efforts of our hundreds of volunteers, who dedicate their time and energy to our many services to the community. I have met many dedicated volunteers and made many lifelong friends during the past ten years with the ACS. The joy of serving others rings true in the many hours our volunteers spend in driving patients, comforting someone who has cancer, providing home care supplies, and helping the patients find answers to their questions.

Volunteerism and donations are what perpetuate the American Cancer Society. We are proud of the 24 Nobel Prize Science winners we have helped support over the last 78 years. We are the largest non-government funder of research in the world.

Again, thank you and your staff for the time you spent in bringing this message of hope and volunterism to the public.

Viney Mosley

Senior Field Representative

American Cancer Society