Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

As we get closer to finishing another school year in the Cape Girardeau Public Schools, I could not help but notice the announcements of teachers that are retiring. The individual's name that caught my attention is Mr. Vernon Compas, physical education teacher at Franklin Elementary School.

Before Mr. Compas taught at Franklin, he was the physical education teacher at May Greene Elementary. What an impact this teacher had on my life during my years as a student at May Greene. I watched every step he took and noticed every movement he made. He never did anything wrong in my eyes he had all the traits of an individual that you would like to portray.

He was honest, dependable, trustworthy, and very fair and stern in his discipline. I can remember hearing several times one of his favorite statements, "Boy, I'll skin your ears", as he was keeping a bunch of us boys controlled during physical education. I can remember one time during class I got really involved in the competition and called him "Dad" instead of "Coach".

I think back not that in my mind he probably was a "back-up dad" to my real dad who could never be replaced. I had that much respect for him as my teacher. I am sure there are several former students of Mr. Compas that have the same feelings as I do.

Coach if you read this, thanks for all your help and I hope you have a long and enjoyable retirement. Please do not catch all the fish, save some for other people.

Terry Kitchen

Cape Girardeau