Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

I have just finished reading in the Public Mind column of the Southeast Missourian a letter headed "Please no new taxes." I, too, endorse the thinking that adding more taxes will not solve all of our problems and that what is needed is "fiscal responsibility." However, another element we must include is practically. Yes, the 6-cent gas tax will be a burden. But, will we be in a better position if it isn't added? Do we want to relinquish our right to receive the federal matching funds and allow them to go to other states? In traveling through other states I have found that I am paying more for gasoline than I do in Missouri, i.e., I am helping to maintain highway systems in those states. Why shouldn't we ask travelers from other states to help maintain our system?

I am 75 years of age and have observed the evolution of our highway system over the years. I truly believe that our state highway department under the direction of the state highway commission is one of the best in the nation. I can see what has developed in Cape Girardeau County which tells me that our highway tax dollars are being spent wisely. Highway construction and repair is increasingly costly and if we don't provide the necessary funding we won't have a good system. Consequently, we will have roads and highways that are ruining tires, shock absorbers and worse yet, causing accidents that result in costly damages and yes casualties.

I believe that we should encourage indeed urge our local state representatives to vote for this 6-cent gas tax. I believe that they have already demonstrated that they are fiscally responsible and responsive to the needs of our districts. Shouldn't fiscal responsibility include practicality?

Bernard J. Schaper
