Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

This is so embarrassing. How could I have been so wrong? "Gambling can and will solve all of the countries problems"! I see it now. Cape will be rich, because it will receive a share of the "take". New roads, new jobs, and new money. The Boyds, Lady Luck, and all the folks around our area can't wait to donate their money to us. I know, I know, you told me so. Well you know me, always a non-believer. At least I'm man enough to say it! You were right. Okay? Whew! That was really hard for me to admit.

It just goes to show that I don't have a very good understanding of people and their ideas.

To me, it seemed inconceivable that people in this area would bring over 65 to 70 million dollars of their own money to our town and give it to Lady Luck and the Boyd Group. Who, in turn, will give us a nice tidy sum!

And if someone would have told me the good folks in the state of Missouri wanted to pay more taxes, I would have thought this person was crazy. Especially after we citizens were duped by the state government into thinking the "tax donations" we give to the lottery would be added to the funds already given to education. But No! Not here in Missouri. We have hearts of gold and our forgiveness is blind. I salute charity-minded citizens. SALUTE!

Oh, and our state wide businessmen. Wow! Good ole boys to the max! Not only do they greet out of state businesses with open arms, they also take a cut in their profits so Boyd/Lady and the others can make a profit to be invested in another state. I was for sure our keen-eyed business owners would figure a drain-off of spendable income this size would be overstepping even their generosity. But again, I was wrong and you know what with these boats operating. With more boats on the way, who knows how generous these boys might become. To them I give the "true-blue" award.

And our state government became so overjoyed at the idea of being able to gamble on a boat that they passed an unconstitutional law to allow "Riverboat Gambling". To them goes the "eager beaver" award.

Then there is our fair city. "I love this place!" Having been unsuccessful in attaining enough votes to allow riverboat gambling, we allowed a second vote. With 53 percent of the people wanting riverboat gambling, the 47 percent against riverboat gambling (rather than seek a tiebreaker) conceded victory to their opponents. What peacemakers they are! To them I give the "gracefully defeated award"!

Rather than fight and divide the city, each side decided to lay aside their differences and see what their share of the dough would be. Ahhh! You know the old saying "A community that compromises together shares together!"

But I guess my biggest surprise came by way of them "Christians". You know, they go to them big buildings on the corner every Sunday. I thought they would have a fit! I mean everyone of the different named churches has a written statement against gambling in their national affiliation by-law. Lots of their club speakers publicly stated they would vote no. They encouraged their members to do the same. Why once I counted how many different churches there are in the Newspaper's Church page, it was over 80 of them. I don't know how many people belong to each building, but I'm sure they could have gotten a lot more "NO" votes than they did! I guess they don't go overboard with acceptance and adherence of their rules and regulations. Just join the club, pay your dues, and come to the meetings. The rest is your preference.

I think I will give them the "don't take it serious" award. Yep! I'm a real poor judge of character all right. But you just wait till April 5th. I'm going to redeem myself!

Gambling is great and I'm a believer! NOT!


Cape Girardeau