Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the Editor:

I have never written a letter to a newspaper before. I feel, however, that it is my responsibility to do so in this case. Hopefully it won't sound too dramatic, but if it does, no written word could express how dramatic the experience actually was.

Recently, I was awakened to a pounding on my front door by our neighbor telling me to, "Get out! Your house is on fire and the fire department has been called!" The next few hours were hours I hope never to experience again.

When the fire trucks arrived and all the men converged on the house I thought, "Oh no! Here they come with their axes and hoses to destroy the rest of my house!" I had always heard that what the fire doesn't destroy the fireman will. How wrong I was. The firemen were the only good things in this experience. They were very professional. They knew what to do and how to do it but yet were very kind and considerate to our feelings and showed respect for our property. I cannot speak for all firemen, but the men from stations 2,3,& 4 are "tops" in our book. In a world of doom and gloom it is so refreshing to know that some people are much better than what you've always heard.

We take our hats off to our city firemen. We think you are the best!!!

Dale & Fran Nelson