Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

As I sat watching the noon news recently the zombie of the Clinton administration, Al Gore, suddenly appeared on my screen. As I watched and listened, I became more convinced than ever that the only thing more empty than his rhetoric on gun control and the ban on so-called assault weapons is the empty space between his ears that his brain is supposed to occupy! Al said that the ban on assault weapons must remain as an essential part of the crime bill, even though studies show that crime committed with assault weapons is negligible. Much less than one percent!

I would like to help Al to "reinvent" government by reinventing the crime bill by redefining the definition of "assault weapons!" Realistically speaking there are only two assault weapons and not 19 as defined and espoused by the Clinton Administration. Those two assault weapons have combined to form a threat to the people of the United States of America far more sinister than all the firearms ever arrayed against this country during our short 200 year history. The name and nomenclature of these two weapons is Bill and Hillary Clinton, extremely armed and dangerous and very, very slick and deceptive with a mission to destroy our economy and eventually our Constitution.

So let us put the emphasis into the crime bill where emphasis is needed. Let's ban assault weapons Bill and Hillary back to the Mother Russia who spawned their socialist ideology and tendencies!

