Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I surely don't understand all the issues or ramifications of the impending strike of major league baseball. However, I believe the issue of salary caps can be addressed in a more logical way.

For example, there could be a wage scale structure with minimum and maximum salary defined for each position. It would be necessary that this scale include seniority in baseball and with their present team.

Performance incentives would need to be included to compensate the most productive players with bonuses.

In turn, the owners might be required to implement some form of the following:

Agreement on the number of management personnel, both on and off the field. Example, manager, coaches, trainers, equipment managers, doctors, and even including executives, boards of directors, CEOs and corporate officers, as well as the salaries of all the above.

To insure an equitable division of revenues, a formula could be used to require all teams that made more than a set amount of net profit would be required to put this money in equity in a central fund to be divided between the players and owners. The owner's share could be split between the teams, in proportion to the amount contributed by each team, and the players portion distribution divided by the players union. No other agreement need be effected by this agreement except those related to salary.

These ideas, even though probably not workable should contain some basis for consideration.

The bottom line is, that I, as most fans, would like to see egos and greed be controlled enough to salvage one of the greatest games and industries in the world - baseball.

Tom Wiginton,
