Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I wanted to take the time to shed some positive light on LDD. I am currently employed at LDD and have been for almost three months. LDD is a wonderful place to work! The atmosphere is positive and my co-workers are hardworking and easy to get along with. All of us here at LDD have worked very hard, and the company has continued to grow and prosper despite our much-publicized difficulties.

I recently graduated from college and wouldn't have chosen to work for LDD had it not been a prosperous company. I am proud of where I work and would recommend LDD as a long-distance service or as a place of employment to anyone. Please take the time to drive past our new headquarters on 24 S. Minnesota to see just where LDD is headed - straight up!

Angela D. Metje

Cape Girardeau