Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Regarding comments that have been made about the "luxury cars" that have been observed at the Senior Citizens Nutrition Centers, I would like to state a few facts on the matter.

I am a young senior as seniors go, 67 years young. My car is probably the newest and by no means luxurious. I have worked 48 years of my adult life and have driven three automobiles with 140,000 to 145,000 miles each while raising three children and sending them through high school with the help of my wife, who also was working. We both have paid our share of taxes to educate our children.

Due to an accident, I was put on early retirement and had to live on my small pension and use up our savings account. I could have gone on welfare, but I decided to get by until I could draw my Social Security. We went to the nutrition center at the invitation of a friend for lunch and were asked to volunteer at the center. We deliver meals to shut-ins and people who are alone and lonely. This is probably the only nutritious meal some of them have. All of the seniors pay for their meals at the center if they can, as I do.

I also work with the organization to provide services to seniors and to keep them in their own homes or apartments instead of putting them in nursing homes.

We need more compassion for our senior citizens instead of bashing and putting them down because they drive a comfortably car in their golden years.


Cape Girardeau