Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Recently there has been a lot of controversy about Regina's House of Dolls. Most offensive to me was the woman who called Speak Out to say that if women took care of their looks, their men wouldn't go down there to see her dance. It was a sad thing to read, for she must see the only relationship between the sexes to be a superficial one based on physical attributes alone. She isn't alone, for society and certainly television are caught up in the lust-without-love idea.

I find nearly nude dancing repulsive, because it is degrading to women and reduces them to the level of objects and things to be used and discarded. the physical side of love is wonderful, but it was meant to be part of a loving marital relationship. Ooks aren't enouh to keep a couple together and faithful for a lifetime. Two years ago I had breast cancer. That summer I had a breast removed, lost my hair to chemotherapy, looked like a bloodless skeleton from the anemia and nausea and was pretty useless around the house. My husband, who hates housework, had to do everything with some help from the kids. Yet I have never felt so loved and cherished. My husband said I was beautiful. I thought he was crazy, but it was wonderful to hear. That is what love is: the caring and commitment that goes beyond looks, convenience and circumstances. God's plan for love works wonderfully for me, and I pray the people who are caught up in the sordid substitutes could learn what love could be.


Cape Girardeau