Letter to the Editor


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Editor's Note: Many farmers locally have donated hay to the fire ravaged area of northern Oklahoma as well as volunteers showing up to aid in the transportation. According to Gerald Bryant of the University of Missouri Extension Center in Jackson, as of Wednesday about 350 tons (400 large bales and four semi-truck loads of small bales) of hay are on their way to Oklahoma.

A letter has been sent from Sherman Grubb III showing appreciation for the help Oklahoma farmers have received.

Dear Farmers and Volunteers in Cape, Perry and Bollinger Counties:

On behalf of the farmers and ranchers in Creek County, Okla., I want to thank all of the farmers and ranchers in Missouri who have made hay donations and the trucking companies that hauled for us. I am always amazed at the generosity of farmers around the country when other farmers are in need. There has not been any government money used in this project, even though this has been a close working relationship between local and state government, Farm Bureau, and the Extension Service in both states and, of course, those who gave generously.

I also want to thank the media for doing an outstanding job of getting the message out. A big thanks to Gerald Bryant for organizing this effort.

Sherman Gurbb III

Creek Co. Agent

Those who would like to either volunteer or donate should contact Gerald Bryant at 243-3581.