Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I'm tired of the media telling me who is going to win the presidential election. I believe the only poll that really matters will be on Nov. 5 when the voters officially speak.

Both candidates make promises about how they will address important issues like taxes, education, Medicare and Social Security. While all these issues have economic impact on the American people and clearly deserve the attention of our next president, I think the most important issue facing America today isn't our standard of living, but our standard of dying.

Death is inevitable, but our current president makes it more dangerous to live in America.

Thank goodness our mothers didn't believe in abortion, but we allow our nation to kill 4,400 babies a day, and our pro-family president even condones partial-birth abortion. So we continue to kill our future generations.

If you are one of the lucky ones to escape the womb, you face other real threats.

Our country's youths encounter the lure of sex and drugs in today's society, and we as parents can't expect to save our children if we re-elect a pot-smoking, womanizing president.

Saddam Hussein is still in power, and Boris Yeltsin is in ill health. America will never be completely safe from foreign threat, and we should be fearful of America's future with our draft-dodging, defense-cutting commander in chief.

With Bill Clinton's record on appointments, maybe next term he would appoint Jack Kevorkian as surgeon general, and they could make assisted suicide a government program readily available to all Americans, since Jack already travels America's countryside leaving a trail of bodies with no law recognizing him as a criminal.

It doesn't take a genius to see what is wrong with America. Our nation is adopting a thought process which disrespects life, and our current administration caters to it.

As a concerned voter, I promote a balanced budget, welfare reform and tax cuts.

As a concerned human being, I promote life and will vote like it.


Cape Girardeau