Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I would like to take this opportunity to announce National Wildlife Refuge Week (Oct. 5-13). This event is a national celebration of these valuable public lands that safeguard our precious birds and other wildlife and provide recreational opportunities to over 30 million Americans each year.

The national wildlife refuge system was established in 1903 by President Teddy Roosevelt with his designation of Pelican Island in Florida as a refuge for nesting herons and egrets against plume hunting. Today the national wildlife refuge system includes 508 refuges encompassing more than 92 million acres in all 50 states. Our national wildlife refuges are vital to sustaining and enhancing migratory bird populations and stand as the last line of defense against extinction, providing critical habitat for hundreds of threatened and endangered wildlife and plant species. Recreational opportunities on wildlife refuges include wildlife observation and photography, boating, hiking, hunting, fishing and camping.

Locally, several events are planned during National Wildlife Refuge Week at Mingo National Wildlife Refuge near Puxico. The 25-mile auto tour route and visitor center will be open daily through Sunday. Several events are planned for Saturday, including a duck-calling contest, duck pond for children, songbird banding demonstration and other special exhibits at the visitors center. In addition, the Missouri Department of Conservation has planned Duck Days, an opportunity to identify and observe ducks and other migratory birds at the department's adjacent Duck Creek Conservation area. I urge everyone to attend and enjoy this local natural treasure. Additional information my be obtained from the refuge at (573) 222-3589.


Four Seasons Audubon Society

Cape Girardeau