Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I was born and raised in Cape Girardeau but moved away 40 years ago. I lived in Milltown most my childhood.

I have happy memories of running barefoot all over down there with neighbor kids in the summertime. Those same kids would gather in our front yard in the early evening to play games with me and my brothers and sisters. We played Red Rover, tax, May I and other games. I shot marbles, played hopscotch, climbed trees and did everything a tomboy would do.

Now Milltown is so overgrown with weeds you can't see the yards. Every time I come to Cape I always drive through Milltown, and I feel like crying.

I know cape has an ordinance against weeds. It also has beautification projects in other parts of town. The City Council members should take a drive through Milltown and see what a disgrace it has become.

After all, it is a part of the city of Cape Girardeau, and they can't keep pretending it isn't.

I sincerely hope that when I come to Cape next year Milltown will be cleaned up. Even though most of the houses are gone, I would feel happy when I drive through there.