Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

It is a shame that Missouri doesn't have a governor like Alabama has. The governor of Alabama, along with the Alabama Board of Education, has rejected $18 million of federal money (which is nothing more than a bribe using taxpayers' money) to fund Goals 2000.

It's a sorry state of affairs when only one governor out of 50 (there may possibly be more, but I haven't heard of it) has the courage and the good sense to refuse bribe money to completely turn our children into mindless robots who will obediently submit to world socialism.

It's also sad to know that the majority of the parents of these children care so little about them that they will permit this bribery to continue by re-electing backers of Goals 2000 to political office.

The practice of the federal government -- bribing the states to implement their harmful programs -- should be enough in itself to get rid of these corrupt politicians even if they weren't using our children as bait.


Cape Girardeau