Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Next Tuesday voters will be asked to make a decision so important to the children of this district. Please consider this issue very carefully before casting your vote. A safe and positive learning environment strengthens student achievement and enhances attitudes.

In January the Meadow Heights Board of Education unanimously voted to place a $750,000 bond proposal on the ballot to extend the current 50-cent debt-service tax levy. Funds from this extension would be used to provide much-needed renovations to the high school building and to provide improvements in both the elementary school and high school. No major renovations have been made to the existing high school facility for at least 27 years.

Proposed renovations and improvements consist of the following: Add new insulated, sloped, flat-roof system to high school building. Construct a mansard room around parts of the building to update appearance. Replace existing heating and air conditioning with energy-efficient units. Add air condition to areas of the high school and elementary school which are not currently being cooled. Modify windows by adding Dryvit insulated walls around new insulated window units. Modify lighting by replacing incandescent fixtures with energy-efficient fluorescent lights. Replace existing ballasts and lamps with energy-efficient units. Add soundproofing to band room. Make the building handicap-accessible by installing a ramp and corridor in the area of the band room. If approved, the project is slated to begin as soon as school is dismissed for summer vacation and should be completed by fall.

If you have questions about the proposed renovations or wish to tour the buildings, please contact my office. I would be most pleased to visit with you about this project. The needs existed five years ago. The needs were evident in January when the bond proposal was unanimously approved. The needs will remain on April 3 should the bond issue not be approved.

The students of Meadow Heights as well as patrons of the district need a central focus in which to unite -- a positive direction in which all can share. I ask that this project be that focus and that we make our students and patrons proud to say they are from Meadow Heights. Thank you for your consideration of a yes vote for this project.

CHERI FUEMMELER, Superintendent

Meadow Heights School District
