Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

They never had a chance going in, as they took the stage at the River City Yacht Club that evening of March 21. This fact, however, could not be observed by an unknowing observer in the crowd. The three teen-agers took their musical instruments up in arms and gave a brilliant performance, a performance that held the attention of fans of the competing band. The event was the semifinals of the Q99 Battle of the Bands.

With only a few months of practice to become a band, never having performed before a crowd or any audience other than their fans who came to hear them practice, these three 17-year-old young men had found their way to the semifinals amongst bands who had performed often for a large following of fans and who were devoted in supporting them.

These three teen-agers also had developed a large following, but they were not allowed in because of their age. These fans were the same fans who voted for them repeatedly by calling Q99, and the station welcomed their calls. Now their votes were denied at a time when their votes would really count.

For the benefit of the many fans who were not allowed to see and hear "Sinclair" perform, I am please to inform that you would have been proud. As a father of one of the band members, I want to thank you for your support. I would also encourage radio stations that decide to have a band contest in the future to either put an age limit on those entering the contest or have the finals where no age limit is enforced.


Cape Girardeau