Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Of all the headlines in the Southeast Missourian, "Say good night, Gracie" caught the eye of more people, touched more hearts and will remain the most outstanding and memorable of any.

To most people George Burns was just another figure. The four words of that headline, however, made him loved by all and captured hearts.

Outwardly, he appeared rather loose by his action, but inwardly he showed a love that was lasting. That love, of course, was for Gracie Allen.

Just recently he was pictured on television at the tomb of Gracie where he planted a kiss on her tomb. That is when I gained respect for him. That is when he showed his true colors, the kind of love that never dies.

Thank you, Missourian, for your beautiful account of his life. You put George Burns on top where he belongs, and you have opened the hearts of many people.


Cape Girardeau