Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

More on Bob Dole: Now that Dole has recouped, there seem suddenly to be a sameness to his overwhelming victories. However, day after day there are new shreds in the political winds along with some prevailing and pervasive ones.

Even though convention delegates are assembling in droves, the same primary voters are yearning for another choice. Polls are still indicating that Dole may not be able to defeat Bill Clinton. Try as he will, he has not been able to project the image of having a vision for the nation's future. Now comes the whisper that Colin Powell is rethinking what he may do in service to the country and the Republican Party. At the same time, Jack Kemp is engaging in some fancy footwork, while certain other party heavyweights are remaining noticeably silent.

The vision that recently most impressed the American people is that of Powell: astute fiscal responsibility coupled with understanding social consciousness. Even though Dole functions in this purview legislatively, he still is captive to the hackneyed conservatism of the Republican Party. Certain powers that be in the Republican Party rejected Powell as an acceptable participant because of this posture. Bill Clinton is still reluctantly acceptable tot he American people because (in spite of the negatives) he projects such a vision.

It is doubtful that Powell can be recruited as a vice-presidential running mate for Dole. It is easy to understand Dole's uneasiness. He is wise in the ways of politics. He knows that he could come into the convention loaded with delegates and yet lose the prize. If his image as an unwinnable presidential candidate prevails, political calisthenics could leave him waiting in the wings. That could open the way for a Powell presidential candidacy rather than a vice presidential role. A turnabout scenario? Powell for president, Dole for vice president? Not likely. Even though a winning combination, it would be devastating for Dole and inner turmoil for the Republican Party. Let the political winds blow.


Cape Girardeau