Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I found this poem by an unknown author in some papers and wanted to share it with your readers:

A Tragic Situation

I found a dollar in my pocket today.

That's something I cannot explain.

I'm sure I've paid all my taxes,

So where'd I get the darn thing?

I've paid my income tax, state tax

And tax on my liquor and cigarettes.

I've paid taxes for owning a dog,

Going fishing, Medicare and old-age benefits.

How come I've got this dollar?

Did someone put it there?

I've paid taxes for sewers, bombs,

Rice for China and tax to clean up the air.

I've paid my taxes for the Senate,

Hockey rinks and public transportation.

Do I owe taxes on this dollar I've found?

How'd I get in this situation?

I've paid tax on gasoline

And money I give the babysitter.

But when the government finds out about this dollar

I'm sure they'll be bitter.

I distinctly remember paying the road tax,

Excise tax and tax to help the farmer.

I've paid taxes for parks and law enforcement,

School tax and tax for the unwed mother.

I wouldn't dream of getting married

Without first paying the tax.

Don't tell the IRS about this dollar,

Or I'm sure I'll get the ax.

I've paid amusement tax, sales tax

And a tax to repair city streets.

Now a restaurant tax has been assessed,

Which I must pay when I go out to eat.

I've paid taxes on the toothpaste I use,

The pillow I rest my head on at night.

But when they realize I've got this dollar,

There'll be one hell of a fight.

