Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I would like to thank the Missouri Division of Highway Safety and the community traffic safety staff for their assistance in distributing the Children Have An iDentity (CHAD) stickers. The local media coverage failed to mention that this program has been active nationally for more than a year through a national, not-for-profit fraternal organization known as the Travelers Protective Association of America and in Cape Girardeau since November 1994 through the local TPA unit, Post M.

Cape Girardeau's Post M, with more than 1,200 members, has distributed in excess of 6,000 CHAD stickers through the police departments, fire departments, ambulance service, hospitals, Safe Kids Coalition, other organizations and special safety displays. The TPA organizational goal is safety, and its major slogan is "Watch That Child."

As mentioned in the news articles, Chad was injured in a traffic accident and was not identified and didn't receive medical treatment for several hours. Chad's family was instrumental in establishing the CHAD program. Through Chad's grandfather, an active TPA member, this has become a national project for TPA.

JUANITA HENLEY, Publicity Chairman

Travelers Protective Association of America Post M

Cape Girardeau