Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

There was discussion in the newspaper concerning funds that were missing by Dr. Coleen Kivlahan, director of the Missouri Deaprtment of Health.

Given the amount of funds and the total lac, of explanation, most -- if not all -- managers in private enterprise wouls have been fired immediately.

Interestingly, Kivlahan not only has received no reprimand but is still in her job. This represents a total dereliction of duty on the part of Gov. Mel Carnahan.

To allow Kivlahan to continue with her obvious incompetence in management is inexcusable and intolerable. I am totally mystified why Governor Carnahan tolerates such poor performance from his appointees. If he expects those of us in the health-care profession to respecyt him and hs appointments, then he must demand a high level of performance from those same appointees. Yes, we all make mistatkes. But some mistakes simploy cannot be overlooked.


Cape Girardeau