Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The news article about the city's tax on restaurant receipts which appeared in the April 24 edition of the Southeast Missourian named Marriott's Lacey's on the Hill as one of the restaurants which had not paid the 1 percent tax earmarked for the city's convention and visitors fund.

Marriott Management Services did pay its full share of state and local taxes for Lacey's on the Hill. However, the funds were routed incorrectly, with all sales tax payments going to the state of Missouri. We appreciate the fact that this logistical error was brought to our attention. We have corrected the routing problem for future sales tax payments. Marriott Management Services' national accounting office, the office from which all tax payments are issued, will recoup the overpayment of funds to the states and re-route them to the city of Cape Girardeau.

We appreciate being a part of Cape Girardeau's fine restaurant community, and we fully support the concept of the 1 percent tax. The promotion of tourism is good business for all of Cape Girardeau.

HUGH J. McGOWAN IV, Food Service Director

Marriott Management Services

Southeast Missouri Hospital

Cape Girardeau