Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Sports reports released lately remind us of the event 50 years ago when Jackie Robinson became a major league baseball player. It was a major step in the matter of race relations, which is still far from being resolved.

In all the news, however, one name has not been mentioned. I refer to Branch Rickey, who helped to make the move possible.

Perhaps his principal motive was to improve the team and to make the venture more profitable, for to make a good profit seems to be one our national concerns. Still, many years ago I knew the Rickeys. They were people of high moral principles and convictions who believed in fairness and equality. They were active in their church and seemed to want to be honest and just in their relationships with others.

I think the names of people like the Rickeys, who had the courage and were willing to make a needed change, should not be omitted. Now do I believe their only interest was financial gain. It took other owners longer to make the same move for their teams.

Our motives often vary, but let us hope that the financial is not the only approach. We should not overlook those who work for change whose motives also include fairness and integrity.


Cape Girardeau