Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

As of the writing of this letter, I am working on my Missouri taxes, having already filed my federal tax forms. I am wondering, where is my refund?

In his 1996 State of the State Address, Gov. Mel Carnahan said Missourians had overpaid their taxes by an estimated $160 million and they were due a refund. In his 1997 address, he said we had exceeded the Hancock limit and refunds totalling $390 million were due. And that does not include the $380 million education tax that was tacked on.

Granted, I am only one of about 2.5 million taxpayers in Missouri, but I want my money. Supporting a family of six while sending my oldest son to college is straining my finances severely.

Taking $390 million and dividing it by 2.5 million taxpayers give you $156 for an average. I don't know about anyone else, but I could use that money, and I mean right now.

Instead, however, our legislators and our governor want to cut our food tax. Great, cut our taxes any way you can, but do not forget you already owe me $156, and I would like to have that in my hand before the end of the millennium.

Cutting taxes is a great idea, albeit a Republican one. But don't forget to pay back what was overpaid first. Everyone who paid taxes in Missouri is owed on average $156. Everyone should call or write the governor, their senator and representative and demand the money that is owed them. Do you think the state would wait two years for you to pay it $156, if they had over paid you?


Cape Girardeau