Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

The freedom destroyers are at it again. Senate Bill 462 sponsored by state Sen. Wayne Goode and House Bill 684 would create a state land use commission appointed by the governor and enforced by the Department of Natural Resources to dictate terms of land usage by private property owners.

This bill is nothing but a spinoff of the Natural Streams Act. It also is an attempt to gain Big Brother control of your private property rights. A word to the wise is sufficient.

Let's do Missouri and the Department of Conservation a favor and send director Jerry Conley back to Idaho where he came from. Conley thinks people are stupid because we rejected coordinated resource management, which would ultimately have given Big Brother types controlling interest in public and private land usage.

I have always hear that birds of a feather flock together. Conley has aligned himself with the Sierra Club on these issues. You don't have to take my word for it. Simply read the director's comments in the paper.

I have a growing gut feeling that the Department of Conservation could have done a lot better in the selection of a director, but not too much worse.

