Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

As a former Cape Girardeau School Board member,I have seen firsthand the cooperation that goes on between the Jackson and Cape Girardeau school districts. Believe me, there is a lot of shared work, information and expertise that greatly benefits both communities. At a time when cooperation is essential to the continued excellence of both schools, we get bickering and a "you're a bigger jerk than I am" attitude between the adults in each community.

I have been involved with the youth in each community for many years through sports, Scouts and school activities (Jackson resident 1955-73, Cape Girardeau residents 1975-present). During that time, I have said many times that it is not the kids who screw things up, but the adults. I see that things have not changed. These adults either live vicariously through the exploits of their children or have nothing better to do than complain. These are usually adults who do not take (notice I did not say have) the time to get involved in some constructive way to help out with their own kids' activities. We are not unique. I know the same holds true in other communities, not just Cape Girardeau and Jackson. The question needs to be asked: Why do we want to be like everyone else?

Athletics seem to bring out the best in the participants, but not in the fans. When we are playing each other, support your team. When we are playing someone else, especially in statewide competition, both communities should support the teams. Statewide competition brings recognition to the entire area. It brings positive PR from which we all can benefit. Let's use it as that. This anonymous bickering in Speak Out makes us all look foolish. People coming into our area for the first time must get a pretty good laugh out of these antics. I'm sure that industry considering the area for expansion is quite impressed with the attitude of cooperation and civility of both communities.

I'm not taking sides about what happened at the basketball playoffs. It is a no-win situation for all. I'm sure there is enough blame to spread around to many who were there. Adults: Be adults. Enjoy the competition. Cheer for your team, not against the other team. And don't screw it up.


Cape Girardeau