Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

Recently your editorial stated that the St. Louis MetroLink rail system was literally given to St. Louis by the federal government. A very large part, yes, so they would begin it. Not all. Taxes and funds from the people were and still are used. It does not support itself.

Also, it is only convenient for some. A large portion of the people must drive to reach it, even in the city, not the county.

As with most expenses in the city, the so-called poor and minorities out-vote those who pay the bulk of property taxes and are enjoying conveniences paid for by others.

I believe the intent is for outstate Missouri to help pay for maintenance and expansion of MetroLink. With no remorse from the city and with no benefit for those outside the city area, you are correct on that.

But, it was not literally handed to the city.

