Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

In regards to global warming, here is what our great Vice President Al Gore says. Mr. Gore suggests that global warming is caused by overpopulation. In a speech he recommends that we expand birth control and abortions in developing Third World countries. He notes that Third World countries produce too many children too rapidly and that we need to ignore the controversy over family planning and cut out-of-control population growth. In one of his speeches he said one way to cut the child mortality rate was by aborting them before they were born.

For at least the past four years during the international conferences around the world -- such as the 1994 international Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, the 1995 World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen, the fourth U.N. Conference in Istanbul in June 1996 and the Food and Agriculture Organization's World Food Summit in Rome in late 1996 -- the western countries of the world including the United States, Canada and the European Union have, by use of procedural abuses and covert and overt threats, forced unwilling developing-world countries including Muslims to accept the inclusion of pro-abortion euphemisms like "reproductive health" and "family planning" into every final document that was supposed to be about human settlement problems only. U.N. bureaucrats consistently assisted in the anti-life campaign, while pro-life and pro-family voices were ignored.

In Istanbul, a broad coalition of developing nations, predominantly Muslims, came together to reject the pro-abortion initiatives. A large number of conservative lobbyists including the Holy See helped strengthen these nations' resolve.

Encouraged by the events in Istanbul, more than 130 nations united to exclude every pro-abortion euphemism from the World Summit's draft document at the final preparatory meeting. It was an unbelievable battle to keep them out. This victory triggered the U.N.'s plan to usurp the sovereign powers of the world's national governments.

In late October, the Food and Agricultural Organization was hastily convened in a special session to renegotiate the Food Summit's final document. Of course, many of the coalition of nations were caught off guard by this unexpected session, and few were able to attend on such short notice. And so the United States, Canada and the European Union were successful in introducing three key anti-life passages into the document. Only because of the very determined efforts of the few pro-life, pro-family delegates who were able to attend, were they able to prevent even further pro-abortion, pro-population control language from being included in the final documents.

Is there any wonder why we in the western world are called the Great Satans?


Cape Girardeau