Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

When a woman is raped, it is the most hideous of crimes. I feel like my home was raped. My home was invaded by those horrible characters who not only stole my valuable Mickey Mouse collection, but totally wrecked my home.

When I entered, it was so hot that I thought my house was on fire. The police had to wait until things cooled off before they could take fingerprints. It was been 80 degrees outside that day, but the burglars had turned my thermostat up just as high as it would go, hoping to burn the house down and cover their tracks, I guess.

Can I adequately describe the horror I encountered as I entered? My clothes, pictures and books were scattered everywhere. Bleach had been poured on my kitchen floor and the tromped all over my clothes and rugs. Christmas ornaments that were family heirlooms were smashed in a million pieces. My chest of drawers was opened, and blue paint was sprayed all over my most intimate garments. Bright red lipstick was smeared on my appliances, and on my dryer were the words, "I like Mickey too and your dryer sucks." Did they do their laundry?

This happened Oct. 10 between 4 and 8 p.m. On my answering machine at 4:21 p.m. the day before it happened was this message: This is Norman Snugbucker. I'm calling to see if Darlene was home. She's not." There is no on at my house named Darlene, but they had been watching my house to see when I was home.

My portable phone was on my front deck. Cigarettes were on my counter, and a size 14 tan shirts was left behind. There was a cult emblem on the back of the shirt with the words "Satan is God" written above. What parent would let their kid wear something like that? I guess someone who doesn't care what a monster their kid is. If my child came home with Mickey Mouse watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces, pins, money clips, baseball mitt and stuffed animals, I would question where it came from.

The neighbors saw or heard nothing, and the police have no suspects. I'm having a real hard time dealing with this. I'm paying for an unlisted telephone number, so where did Norman Snugbucker get my number?

I am a hard-working widow woman who minds her own business and bothers no one. I just can't understand why someone would have such sadistic fun at my expense. Of course, my insurance will pay for the material damage, but my Mickey Mouse items cannot be replaced, and my hurt and heartbreak will go on forever.

I don't think I will ever recover from knowing these monsters invaded my home and destroyed so much of my life. My prayers are that someday these monsters will be apprehended and made to pay for at least the material damage they did.

Incidentally, Norman Snugbucker, if you'll turn your stealing, conniving buddies in, there is a handsome reward just for you.

JANE B. BARKS, The Mickey Mouse Lady

Cape Girardeau