Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

This letter is in response to a recent Speak Out opinion ("We don't want to first in meth").

Unfortunately, wishing won't make it so. I will take a concerted effort to make our community a safe and drug-free place in which to live. What can we do? Lots. For example:

We can give your young people clearly defined and consistent no-use messages concerning alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

We can provide healthy alternative activities for the youth in our community.

We can publicize the prevention message by writing letters to the editors of our local papers.

We can research the issues and let our legislators know where we stand on important issues like the drunken driving bill pending in Congress, the penny-a-drink legislation pending on the state level and local ordinances concerning youth access to tobacco.

We can join a local Community 2000 team and become part of the prevention climate.

We can volunteer to help chaperone an alternative activity for youths, help stage such an activity and set up or clean up.

We can publicize Community 2000 team functions and other prevention functions at our places of business.

We can support prevention activities financially or provide in-kind donations like copier use, supplies or snacks.

We can volunteer our time to community groups and individuals dedicated to prevention issues like the American Cancer Society, Missouri Assist, Safe Communities, Project Charlie, Caring Communities and the Safe and Drug Free Schools programs in our schools.

This is National Red Ribbon Week, an entire week devoted to raising public awareness on prevention. Please join us in working to make this a healthy community.

JILL VENEZIAN, Prevention Advocate

Community 2000 Support Center

Southeast Missouri State University

Cape Girardeau