Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

What a sad, sick, pathetic man the president of the United States has become. He is a man willing to use his wife, child, employees, Cabinet members and supporters to hold on to office. He is a many without the guts to stand up and tell the truth. He is a man incapable of telling the truth and shouldering responsibility for his acts. He is a man who has never admitted that he committed and wrong and expresses indignation at the thought that Congress or anyone could possibly criticize or question his acts.

He is a president without conscience willing to discharge, court-martial and destroy the careers of military officers and enlisted personnel who exhibit the same behavior. He is a man without shame or remorse. He is a cowardly liar and cheat willing to abuse the vulnerable. He is a commander in chief who didn't inhale.

Bill Clinton represents the worst in America. He is a man who should be under guard when he goes to a school for one his photo ops, not because of foreign radicals, but to protect the children, as his definition of immorality doesn't fit with current laws.

Clinton is a cancer eating away at the moral soul of this country. As I write this, I am watching the president's poster boy, Barney Frank, explaining that Clinton's morals do not matter and the Republicans are the cause of all that is wrong in this country. Frank is the perfect spokesman for Clinton.

I am also aware of the fact that all who oppose or criticize Clinton can expect to have their income taxes audited. I am assembling my receipts.


Cape Girardeau