Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I would like to address this letter to the person who was talking about real Republicans.

The first part you raised was about Mr. Clinton's chance to answer the charges. Where have you been? The man had seven months, and he lied every time he was asked. He went on national TV and lied to the entire nation. Only when a DNA test was done did he finally confess. If it hadn't been for that, he would have probably gone on lying about everything.

The second point you raised was whether lying was perjury. This is what it says in the dictionary about perjury: willfully making a false oath when administered legally.

Lest we make any mistakes about telling the truth and lying, lying is uttering a false statement with deceitful intention. A falsehood is an intentional misstating of the truth.

The people are misunderstanding the whole point of the impeachment hearings. This is not about his affair. This is about the fact that he lied to the people of the country he swore to serve and protect. Perjury is a punishable offense in any court in this country.

The president should be impeached, strictly because he is the president. He is a lawyer and knows the law. I'm talking about the laws of the United States, not Bill Clinton's laws. If you can't trust the leader of your country to tell you the truth, whom can you trust?


Cape Girardeau