Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Love of country. Respect and gratitude for the brave military personnel who have defended our precious freedoms. Young people with exceptional talent and who are a source of great pride to our community. Staging of professional quality. Hauntingly beautiful music that raises goose bumps.

The Central High School Renaissance Tribute to Veterans on Veterans Day had all this and so much more. It was a truly wonderful, uplifting ceremony and reception. I watched proud gentlemen dressed in uniforms of yesteryear stand straight and proud, gaining inches in height. It went straight to the heart and swelled the soul with joy and pride.

Thank you, Renaissance group, Julia Jorgenson, Debbie Ebaugh, the Career Acquisition group and company. The Red Cross was honored to be a part of this ceremony. You helped to once again prove America is beautiful and proud.

MARY BURTON, Executive Director

American Red Cross

Cape Girardeau